Author: Lynn S Kahn

  • An Updated Roadmap for Actions to Transform Family Law

    Why is Lady Justice crying? Family Court decisions do extraordinary damage taking children from hundreds of thousands of loving families and failing those children truly at risk. As Green Party Congressional Candidate for New York District 21, I want to update my prior statements on abuses in foster care and traumas of child custody battles…

  • Saving America’s Family Farms

    By Lynn S Kahn, PH.D. and Brenda Cochran Dr. Kahn is the Green Party candidate for Congress in New York District 21 #NY21 Brenda Cochran is a Pennsylvania farmer and member of Farm Women United For decades, especially since 1991, federal policy has set the price of farm milk below the cost of production, crushing…

  • Solutions: Foster Care and Family Court

    In October 2016, at a Town Hall Meeting on Family Preservation in Clinton, Iowa, stories about the obscene failures of foster care in America nearly overwhelmed me. Family after family stood up to describe the nightmare of children and grandchildren taken by the state for unclear and unconstitutional reasons: “There had never been any abuse…

  • The 95% Failure Rate of Foster Care in America

    The broken-hearted stood up to give witness in Clinton, Iowa on October 8, 2016. After campaigning political candidates finished, families took the microphone. A soft-spoken, middle-aged woman went first (edited for clarity): “Iowa Department of Human Services [DHS] took my three granddaughters that had been living with me – two biological and one non-biological granddaughter.…

  • Veteran Suicide, Moral Injury and Five Promises

    Based on comments made by Dr. Lynn Kahn Independent Candidate for President of the United States to Veterans in Politics, International in Las Vegas, Nevada 8/27/2015 We have heard the facts and read the personal stories: How do we begin to have the conversations that will lead us in the direction of fulfilling the promises we…

  • Transforming Veterans Affairs: A Plan and a Kick in the Pants

    This article is based on a speech delivered by Dr. Lynn S. Kahn, Independent Candidate for President of the United States, to Veterans in Politics, International in Las Vegas, Nevada on August 27, 2015 The U. S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) as a whole system is failing miserably and the culture of the Department and all…

  • Talking My Presidential Campaign With Independent Political Report

    An interview about my Presidential campaign from the Independent Political Report: New York resident Lynn S. Kahn earned her Ph.D. in clinical psychology from The American University in 1977. She worked as an organizational psychologist inside federal agencies for 32 years, including 22 years with the Federal Aviation Administration and for more than six years,…

  • Justice Reform – An Action Plan

    Letter from the Candidate: America has a problem with violence – we create too much of it here at home and export too much of it around the world. As an independent candidate for President of the United States, my solutions for reducing and preventing violence are the heart of my campaign platform – Fix…

  • The Destructive Core of U.S. Trade Deals: An Update

    Let’s start again by defining terms. Trade Promotion Authority – commonly called “Fast Track” – is granted by Congress to the President of the United States so the President or White House officials can negotiate trade agreements anywhere in the world and Congress only gets a yes or no vote. That means trade deals can…

  • Why I Am Running For President As An Independent

    On March 30, 2015, I announced that I am an independent candidate for President of the United States of America. My primary reasons for making this decision are: The 7-track strategic plan I present on my website has six tracks for fixing government and one track for building peace. Each of the tracks fits with…