Category: Season Two

  • Episode 12: A Theory of Peacemaking

    In her 1988 book, Peacemaking: A Systems Approach to Conflict Management, Dr. Lynn Sandra Kahn talked about the technology, psychology, theory and application of peacemaking skills. Episode, she reviews some key points: For Technology, she walks listeners through the design of the 1994 Cleveland Summit on Violence. For Psychology, Dr. Kahn describes both individual and…

  • Episode 11: Peacebuilding, Peacemaking and Multi-Track Diplomacy

    You may wonder how a podcast and YouTube channel called The Government Mechanic arrive at Episodes 11 and 12 to talk about the activities of peacebuilding, the psychology of peacemaking, and international diplomacy among countries and peoples in conflict. The answer is that fixing broken Departments and Agencies means leaders in these government departments and…

  • Episode 10: Under the Hood: The US Department of Veterans Affairs (The VA)

    Episode 10 looks under the hood at the US Department of Veterans Affairs with Steve Sanson, Co-founder and President of Veterans in Politics International; Kathleen Monahan, an organizational consultant with 40 years of federal government experience and volunteer with homeless vets; and Dr. Lynn Sandra Kahn, organizational psychologist in the federal government for more than…

  • Episode 9: Under the Hood: The US Department of Agriculture (The USDA)

    Episode 9 is the first of our special episodes called “Under the Hood” where we look at the key elements of any organization: mission statement, strategic goals, priority actions, performance metrics and even communication style. In this episode, looking under the hood of the U.S. Department of Agriculture is Brenda Cochran, a dairy farmer for…

  • Episode 8: Fishing, Farming, Ranching and America’s Food Supply

    Episode 8 focuses on small-scale fisheries and reveals similarities with family farming and traditional ranching. Our special guest is Niaz Dorry and we talk about fishing, farming, ranching and America’s food supply system. Niaz Dorry has been a community organizer for over 35 years. Now she is both the Director of the North American Marine…

  • Episode 7: Cattle Ranching, Market Concentration and Wild Horses

    Episode 7 called also be titled Do You Know Where Your Hamburger Comes From? This is the third of four episodes about our food supply system here in America. The accomplished and surprisingly talented guest is Marty Irby, the director of the Organization for Competitive Markets based in Lincoln Nebraska, though he works and lives…

  • Episode 6: Farm Policy and

    Episode 6 is the second of five episodes about America’s food supply system. The special guest is Sherry Bunting, investigative reporter extraordinaire, an independent agriculture journalist since 1981. She was born and raised in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, where she now lives and works. She has worked on dairy farms, milking and feeding cows, sometimes as…

  • Episode 5: Saving Family Owned Dairy Farms

    Episodes 5 through 8 are all about farming, ranching, fishing, and our food supply system here in America. The special and outspoken guest on Episode 5 is Brenda Cochran, founder of Farm Women United. Cochran has been a dairy farmer for nearly fifty years; her husband was born and raised on a dairy farm; and…

  • Episode 4: Educating Candidates about Veterans Issues

    Episode 4 brings back Steve W. Sanson, founder and president of Veterans in Politics International. Steve served in the United States Marine Corps from 1985 to 1991 and in the United States Army from 1992 to 1998. He was deployed to Saudi Arabia and Kuwait. He has advocated for veterans for almost 25 years, testifying in…

  • Episode 3: Veterans Issues and Veterans Court

    Episodes 3 and 4 feature Steve W. Sanson, president of Veterans in Politics International. Steve served in the United States Marine Corps from 1985 to 1991 and in the United States Army from 1992 to 1998. He was deployed to Saudi Arabia and Kuwait. He has advocated for veterans for almost 25 years, testifying in front…